Most of these days I was spending my time with Telugu literature. After a very long time I read MahaBharata that too in English. It is by DevDutt Pattanaik titled JAYA-An Illustrated Retelling Of The MahaBharata. What attracted me to read this book is it's cover page! very beautiful cover design with a nice picture of Krishna-Arjuna on a chariot drawn in Ancient Indian style of Art. The most important part i have to mention here is the back cover of this book that is totally responsible for making me read it.
These are the lines ....
The MahaBharata is an ancient Hindu epic where:
a son renounces sex so that his old father can remarry
a daughter is a prize in an archery contest
a teacher demands half a kingdom as his tuition fee
a student is turned away because of his caste
a mother asks her sons to share a wife
a father curses his son-in-law to be old and impotent
a husband lets another man make his wife pregnant
a wife blindfolds herself to share her husband's blindness
a forest is destroyed for a new city
a family is divided over inheritence
a king gambles away his kingdom
a queen is forced to serve as a maid
a man is stripped of his manhood for a year
a woman is publicly disrobed
a war is fought where all rules are broken
a shift in sexuality secures victory
the vanquished go to paradise
the victors lose their children
the earth is bathed in blood
God is cursed
until wisdom prevails
dont you think these lines are very attractive? About the is in simple language and you can feel someone telling you a story as you turn the pages. The value addition by the author to this great epic is the trivia after each chapter where he mentions the Historical records, archeological findings,etc,. related to ths epic. He also talks about the Plays and Poetry by Legendry Schollars on MahaBharata and discusses them in brief. The author also presents his perspective in this trivia and my favourite is the family charts and the flow diagrams given in the book. Guys, find some time to know our great epic Mahabharata.
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